12 research outputs found

    Biosignal‐based human–machine interfaces for assistance and rehabilitation : a survey

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    As a definition, Human–Machine Interface (HMI) enables a person to interact with a device. Starting from elementary equipment, the recent development of novel techniques and unobtrusive devices for biosignals monitoring paved the way for a new class of HMIs, which take such biosignals as inputs to control various applications. The current survey aims to review the large literature of the last two decades regarding biosignal‐based HMIs for assistance and rehabilitation to outline state‐of‐the‐art and identify emerging technologies and potential future research trends. PubMed and other databases were surveyed by using specific keywords. The found studies were further screened in three levels (title, abstract, full‐text), and eventually, 144 journal papers and 37 conference papers were included. Four macrocategories were considered to classify the different biosignals used for HMI control: biopotential, muscle mechanical motion, body motion, and their combinations (hybrid systems). The HMIs were also classified according to their target application by considering six categories: prosthetic control, robotic control, virtual reality control, gesture recognition, communication, and smart environment control. An ever‐growing number of publications has been observed over the last years. Most of the studies (about 67%) pertain to the assistive field, while 20% relate to rehabilitation and 13% to assistance and rehabilitation. A moderate increase can be observed in studies focusing on robotic control, prosthetic control, and gesture recognition in the last decade. In contrast, studies on the other targets experienced only a small increase. Biopotentials are no longer the leading control signals, and the use of muscle mechanical motion signals has experienced a considerable rise, especially in prosthetic control. Hybrid technologies are promising, as they could lead to higher performances. However, they also increase HMIs’ complex-ity, so their usefulness should be carefully evaluated for the specific application

    Wearable bluetooth triage healthcare monitoring system

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    Triage is the first interaction between a patient and a nurse/paramedic. This assessment, usually performed at Emergency departments, is a highly dynamic process and there are international grading systems that according to the patient condition initiate the patient journey. Triage requires an initial rapid assessment followed by routine checks of the patients’ vitals, including respiratory rate, temperature, and pulse rate. Ideally, these checks should be performed continuously and remotely to reduce the workload on triage nurses; optimizing tools and monitoring systems can be introduced and include a wearable patient monitoring system that is not at the expense of the patient’s comfort and can be remotely monitored through wireless connectivity. In this study, we assessed the suitability of a small ceramic piezoelectric disk submerged in a skin-safe silicone dome that enhances contact with skin, to detect wirelessly both respiration and cardiac events at several positions on the human body. For the purposes of this evaluation, we fitted the sensor with a respiratory belt as well as a single lead ECG, all acquired simultaneously. To complete Triage parameter collection, we also included a medical-grade contact thermometer. Performances of cardiac and respiratory events detection were assessed. The instantaneous heart and respiratory rates provided by the proposed sensor, the ECG and the respiratory belt were compared via statistical analyses. In all considered sensor positions, very high performances were achieved for the detection of both cardiac and respiratory events, except for the wrist, which provided lower performances for respiratory rates. These promising yet preliminary results suggest the proposed wireless sensor could be used as a wearable, hands-free monitoring device for triage assessment within emergency departments. Further tests are foreseen to assess sensor performances in real operating environments

    Accurate Localization of First and Second Heart Sounds via Template Matching in Forcecardiography Signals

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    Cardiac auscultation is an essential part of physical examination and plays a key role in the early diagnosis of many cardiovascular diseases. The analysis of phonocardiography (PCG) recordings is generally based on the recognition of the main heart sounds, i.e., S1 and S2, which is not a trivial task. This study proposes a method for an accurate recognition and localization of heart sounds in Forcecardiography (FCG) recordings. FCG is a novel technique able to measure subsonic vibrations and sounds via small force sensors placed onto a subject’s thorax, allowing continuous cardio-respiratory monitoring. In this study, a template-matching technique based on normalized cross-correlation was used to automatically recognize heart sounds in FCG signals recorded from six healthy subjects at rest. Distinct templates were manually selected from each FCG recording and used to separately localize S1 and S2 sounds, as well as S1–S2 pairs. A simultaneously recorded electrocardiography (ECG) trace was used for performance evaluation. The results show that the template matching approach proved capable of separately classifying S1 and S2 sounds in more than 96% of all heartbeats. Linear regression, correlation, and Bland–Altman analyses showed that inter-beat intervals were estimated with high accuracy. Indeed, the estimation error was confined within 10 ms, with negligible impact on heart rate estimation. Heart rate variability (HRV) indices were also computed and turned out to be almost comparable with those obtained from ECG. The preliminary yet encouraging results of this study suggest that the template matching approach based on normalized cross-correlation allows very accurate heart sounds localization and inter-beat intervals estimation

    A Comparison of Heart Pulsations Provided by Forcecardiography and Double Integration of Seismocardiogram

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    Seismocardiography (SCG) is largely regarded as the state-of-the-art technique for continuous, long-term monitoring of cardiac mechanical activity in wearable applications. SCG signals are acquired via small, lightweight accelerometers fixed on the chest. They provide timings of important cardiac events, such as heart valves openings and closures, thus allowing the estimation of cardiac time intervals of clinical relevance. Forcecardiography (FCG) is a novel technique that records the cardiac-induced vibrations of the chest wall by means of specific force sensors, which proved capable of monitoring respiration, heart sounds and infrasonic cardiac vibrations, simultaneously from a single contact point on the chest. A specific infrasonic component captures the heart walls displacements and looks very similar to the Apexcardiogram. This low-frequency component is not visible in SCG recordings, nor it can be extracted by simple filtering. In this study, a feasible way to extract this information from SCG signals is presented. The proposed approach is based on double integration of SCG. Numerical double integration is usually very prone to large errors, therefore a specific numerical procedure was devised. This procedure yields a new displacement signal (DSCG) that features a low-frequency component (LF-DSCG) very similar to that of the FCG (LF-FCG). Experimental tests were carried out using an FCG sensor and an off-the-shelf accelerometer firmly attached to each other and placed onto the precordial region. Simultaneous recordings were acquired from both sensors, together with an electrocardiogram lead (used as a reference). Quantitative morphological comparison confirmed the high similarity between LF-FCG and LF-DSCG (normalized cross-correlation index >0.9). Statistical analyses suggested that LF-DSCG, although achieving a fair sensitivity in heartbeat detection (about 90%), has not a very high consistency within the cardiac cycle, leading to inaccuracies in inter-beat intervals estimation. Future experiments with high-performance accelerometers and improved processing methods are envisioned to investigate the potential enhancement of the accuracy and reliability of the proposed method

    A smart approach to EMG envelope extraction and powerful denoising for human–machine interfaces

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    Abstract Electromyography (EMG) is widely used in human–machine interfaces (HMIs) to measure muscle contraction by computing the EMG envelope. However, EMG is largely affected by powerline interference and motion artifacts. Boards that directly provide EMG envelope, without denoising the raw signal, are often unreliable and hinder HMIs performance. Sophisticated filtering provides high performance but is not viable when power and computational resources must be optimized. This study investigates the application of feed-forward comb (FFC) filters to remove both powerline interferences and motion artifacts from raw EMG. FFC filter and EMG envelope extractor can be implemented without computing any multiplication. This approach is particularly suitable for very low-cost, low-power platforms. The performance of the FFC filter was first demonstrated offline by corrupting clean EMG signals with powerline noise and motion artifacts. The correlation coefficients of the filtered signals envelopes and the true envelopes were greater than 0.98 and 0.94 for EMG corrupted by powerline noise and motion artifacts, respectively. Further tests on real, highly noisy EMG signals confirmed these achievements. Finally, the real-time operation of the proposed approach was successfully tested by implementation on a simple Arduino Uno board

    Changes in Forcecardiography Heartbeat Morphology Induced by Cardio-Respiratory Interactions

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    The cardiac function is influenced by respiration. In particular, various parameters such as cardiac time intervals and the stroke volume are modulated by respiratory activity. It has long been recognized that cardio-respiratory interactions modify the morphology of cardio-mechanical signals, e.g., phonocardiogram, seismocardiogram (SCG), and ballistocardiogram. Forcecardiography (FCG) records the weak forces induced on the chest wall by the mechanical activity of the heart and lungs and relies on specific force sensors that are capable of monitoring respiration, infrasonic cardiac vibrations, and heart sounds, all simultaneously from a single site on the chest. This study addressed the changes in FCG heartbeat morphology caused by respiration. Two respiratory-modulated parameters were considered, namely the left ventricular ejection time (LVET) and a morphological similarity index (MSi) between heartbeats. The time trends of these parameters were extracted from FCG signals and further analyzed to evaluate their consistency within the respiratory cycle in order to assess their relationship with the breathing activity. The respiratory acts were localized in the time trends of the LVET and MSi and compared with a reference respiratory signal by computing the sensitivity and positive predictive value (PPV). In addition, the agreement between the inter-breath intervals estimated from the LVET and MSi and those estimated from the reference respiratory signal was assessed via linear regression and Bland–Altman analyses. The results of this study clearly showed a tight relationship between the respiratory activity and the considered respiratory-modulated parameters. Both the LVET and MSi exhibited cyclic time trends that remarkably matched the reference respiratory signal. In addition, they achieved a very high sensitivity and PPV (LVET: 94.7% and 95.7%, respectively; MSi: 99.3% and 95.3%, respectively). The linear regression analysis reported almost unit slopes for both the LVET (R2 = 0.86) and MSi (R2 = 0.97); the Bland–Altman analysis reported a non-significant bias for both the LVET and MSi as well as limits of agreement of ±1.68 s and ±0.771 s, respectively. In summary, the results obtained were substantially in line with previous fi

    Respiratory-Induced Amplitude Modulation of Forcecardiography Signals

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    Forcecardiography (FCG) is a novel technique that records the weak forces induced on the chest wall by cardio-respiratory activity, by using specific force sensors. FCG sensors feature a wide frequency band, which allows us to capture respiration, heart wall motion, heart valves opening and closing (similar to the Seismocardiogram, SCG) and heart sounds, all simultaneously from a single contact point on the chest. As a result, the raw FCG sensors signals exhibit a large component related to the respiratory activity, referred to as a Forcerespirogram (FRG), with a much smaller, superimposed component related to the cardiac activity (the actual FCG) that contains both infrasonic vibrations, referred to as LF-FCG and HF-FCG, and heart sounds. Although respiration can be readily monitored by extracting the very low-frequency component of the raw FCG signal (FRG), it has been observed that the respiratory activity also influences other FCG components, particularly causing amplitude modulations (AM). This preliminary study aimed to assess the consistency of the amplitude modulations of the LF-FCG and HF-FCG signals within the respiratory cycle. A retrospective analysis was performed on the FCG signals acquired in a previous study on six healthy subjects at rest, during quiet breathing. To this aim, the AM of LF-FCG and HF-FCG were first extracted via a linear envelope (LE) operation, consisting of rectification followed by low-pass filtering; then, the inspiratory peaks were located both in the LE of LF-FCG and HF-FCG, and in the reference respiratory signal (FRG). Finally, the inter-breath intervals were extracted from the obtained inspiratory peaks, and further analyzed via statistical analyses. The AM of HF-FCG exhibited higher consistency within the respiratory cycle, as compared to the LF-FCG. Indeed, the inspiratory peaks were recognized with a sensitivity and positive predictive value (PPV) in excess of 99% in the LE of HF-FCG, and with a sensitivity and PPV of 96.7% and 92.6%, respectively, in the LE of LF-FCG. In addition, the inter-breath intervals estimated from the HF-FCG scored a higher R2 value (0.95 vs. 0.86) and lower limits of agreement (± 0.710 s vs. ±1.34 s) as compared to LF-FCG, by considering those extracted from the FRG as the reference. The obtained results are consistent with those observed in previous studies on SCG. A possible explanation of these results was discussed. However, the preliminary results obtained in this study must be confirmed on a larger cohort of subjects and in different experimental conditions

    Design and Evaluation of a Low-Cost Electromechanical System to Test Dynamic Performance of Force Sensors at Low Frequencies

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    Piezoresistive or piezoelectric force sensors are widely available today. These sensors are preferred to loadcells because of their extremely reduced size, slimness, and low cost, which allow their easy inclusion in a large variety of devices including wearables. In particular, many applications are devoted to monitoring human body movements, such as those related to breathing, muscle contraction, walking, etc. However, such sensors offer variable performance, and they need to be individually calibrated and tested to ensure accurate measurements. An automated electromechanical system that allows simple mechanical tests of force sensors is proposed. The system by means of an electrical motor; a gear box; a connecting rod-crank mechanism; two pistons, and a coupling spring between them, impress sinusoidal axial forces onto the sensor under test. The system is designed as modular so that it can be customized: the force range to which the sensor is subjected, the frequency range, and the coupler with the sensor can be changed to resemble the actual application context. The actual force (read from a loadcell coupled to the sensor under test), a piston displacement, and the sensor output are simultaneously recorded. The electromechanical system generates nearly pure sinusoidal stresses at varying low frequencies (mean total harmonic distortion of 2.77%). The energy dissipated for a single stress cycle was 3.62 gf mm on average. The developed system was used to test a Force Sensitive Resistor (FSR)-based sensor and a piezoelectric (PZT) sensor. The tests revealed significant differences from the actual force values (particularly at very low frequencies), output drifts of the FSR sensor in measurements, and non-linear behaviors. The system was found to be able to provide dynamic performances, accurate calibration, and non-linear behavior of the individual sensor

    Detection of Aortic Valve Opening and Estimation of Pre-Ejection Period in Forcecardiography Recordings

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    Forcecardiography (FCG) is a novel technique that measures the local forces induced on the chest wall by the mechanical activity of the heart. Specific piezoresistive or piezoelectric force sensors are placed on subjects’ thorax to measure these very small forces. The FCG signal can be divided into three components: low-frequency FCG, high-frequency FCG (HF-FCG) and heart sound FCG. HF-FCG has been shown to share a high similarity with the Seismocardiogram (SCG), which is commonly acquired via small accelerometers and is mainly used to locate specific fiducial markers corresponding to essential events of the cardiac cycle (e.g., heart valves opening and closure, peaks of blood flow). However, HF-FCG has not yet been demonstrated to provide the timings of these markers with reasonable accuracy. This study addresses the detection of the aortic valve opening (AO) marker in FCG signals. To this aim, simultaneous recordings from FCG and SCG sensors were acquired, together with Electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings, from a few healthy subjects at rest, both during quiet breathing and apnea. The AO markers were located in both SCG and FCG signals to obtain pre-ejection periods (PEP) estimates, which were compared via statistical analyses. The PEPs estimated from FCG and SCG showed a strong linear relationship (r > 0.95) with a practically unit slope, and 95% of their differences were found to be distributed within ± 4.6 ms around small biases of approximately 1 ms, corresponding to percentage differences lower than 5% of the mean measured PEP. These preliminary results suggest that FCG can provide accurate AO timings and PEP estimates

    Respiration monitoring via forcecardiography sensors

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    In the last few decades, a number of wearable systems for respiration monitoring that help to significantly reduce patients’ discomfort and improve the reliability of measurements have been presented. A recent research trend in biosignal acquisition is focusing on the development of monolithic sensors for monitoring multiple vital signs, which could improve the simultaneous recording of different physiological data. This study presents a performance analysis of respiration monitoring performed via forcecardiography (FCG) sensors, as compared to ECG-derived respiration (EDR) and electroresistive respiration band (ERB), which was assumed as the reference. FCG is a novel technique that records the cardiac-induced vibrations of the chest wall via specific force sensors, which provide seismocardiogram-like information, along with a novel component that seems to be related to the ventricular volume variations. Simultaneous acquisitions were obtained from seven healthy subjects at rest, during both quiet breathing and forced respiration at higher and lower rates. The raw FCG sensor signals featured a large, low-frequency, respiratory component (R-FCG), in addition to the common FCG signal. Statistical analyses of R-FCG, EDR and ERB signals showed that FCG sensors ensure a more sensitive and precise detection of respiratory acts than EDR (sensitivity: 100% vs. 95.8%, positive predictive value: 98.9% vs. 92.5%), as well as a superior accuracy and precision in interbreath interval measurement (linear regression slopes and intercepts: 0.99, 0.026 s (R2 = 0.98) vs. 0.98, 0.11 s (R2 = 0.88), Bland–Altman limits of agreement: ±0.61 s vs. ±1.5 s). This study represents a first proof of concept for the simultaneous recording of respiration signals and forcecardiograms with a single, local, small, unobtrusive, cheap sensor. This would extend the scope of FCG to monitoring multiple vital signs, as well as to the analysis of cardiorespiratory interactions, also paving the way for the continuous, long-term monitoring of patients with heart and pulmonary diseases